December 9, 2024

Faith is rising! There will be miracles all around you. What once seemed difficult will come with ease, because of your faith. With the awakening, comes faith, as truth is revealed and lies are exposed. The fear of The Lord is returning and His love is flooding the Earth. Even those with unbelief will see the power of the Lord. The Lord says, Did I not say I would pour out my spirit on all flesh? I will and they will see but they will choose whether or not to believe. Those that have sought after platforms will lose them and those who did not desire them will rise up out of obedience to the call. I am gathering tribes to work together on special assignments. Be discerning and protect the tribe. Stay alert and grounded and walk day by day, not jumping too far ahead, until I speak. Listen for My voice and go when I say go, move when I say move, stay when I say stay. Be in tune in this hour and be slow to speak and quick to listen. I am pouring out a new level of hearing in this hour and I need you to sit with Me. I am in that still small voice and I am speaking. Love one another and honor each other as I am doing a new thing. I am increasing your authority and confidence to walk in greater power and authority. You will be like Joshua and Caleb and not fear the giants. No enemy is too big for you and your tribe will be your reinforcement. There are many with you and far fewer against you. The enemy is loud but he is not big. He is a liar and a counterfeit and he has no real power over you if you are walking with Me. If I AM for you, then who can be against you? You will only be defeated if you give up. Press in and move forward and do not be dismayed. I will strengthen you and I will help you and uphold you with My righteous right hand. Do not give up in this hour, move in faith, forward.

Romans 8:31 and Isaiah 41:10.

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