Come up higher, says The Lord. The view from up here is greater. The higher you come up the further out you can see. Come up, says The Lord. Brace yourself because the wind is stronger up higher. I’m robing you in this hour. My robe is a covering of protection from the elements, but also a sign of your royalty. I’m mantling you in this hour for now you will walk in new authority and new gifts. I robe you with My shalom peace as you come up higher. There is greater peace and there is a quietness to hear in a greater measure. Come up, says The Lord. I’m waiting to meet with you here. I long to meet with you, I delight in it. A refreshing will come over you and fill you up. A time of renewal is here. I’m rebuilding in this hour. A remodeling in happening. I’m taking out the old and brining in the new. Ancient cities will become new cities with new structures. I’m starting with the frame work, says The Lord. For I started I the beginning with Frames. I start with a frame work. In the frame there is structure and purpose. The frame sits on its foundation. I am the foundation, says The Lord. I am the beginning and the end and My foundation is the rock. The firm foundation is the rock on which I stand. There is no other foundation that will stand. Watch as structures fall and other foundations break and crack. The earth will split and what is not my foundation will crumble, says The Lord. Watch and see as this is just the beginning. Pay attention to what is happening around you. Settling is happening. There is movement when a house or building settles, there will be much movement as I settle in and remove the fallen structures.
I hear the Lord say, I’m coming down. I’m putting my foot down. I will not tolerate abuse towards my people any more. The suffering will end and My glory will come and cover the earth. Those that didn’t believe in my glory will see it, says The Lord. All who have desired to see My glory will see it. I know who you are. I know you, those that seek hard after Me. I know you and you will see Me in days ahead. Remain steadfast, says The Lord. The days of longing for the endurance will pay off. What has seemed like years will soon seem like just a season. Hang tight, draw near and come up higher, says The Lord.